How to make money online by reading Books?

Do you love reading books? Is reading your hobby? If the answer to these questions is yes, then let me tell you that you can also get paid to read books. In this post, I will discuss how to make money online by reading Books.

Yes, you read that right! There are many ways to get paid for reading books. However, we can categorize all the methods of earning while reading books into two ways i.e. Direct Earning & Indirect Earning.

  1. Direct method: Here, you earn money while reading books by reviewing them, being a beta tester for new books, transcribing them as audiobooks, etc.
  2. Indirect Method: Here, you apply the learnings from books and earn money such as starting a blog, starting a YouTube Channel, etc.

In this article, we will explore both ways of earning money from books in detail. So, if you love reading and are in search of ways to get paid for reading books to earn some extra cash, this is the article for you!

Who should start the work?

Well, this type of work can offer good opportunities to all those people who are skilled and passionate readers and are looking for a way to earn some extra money by reading books online.

This type of work can also be suitable for those who have some free time, are willing to put in the work to develop skills to learn book reading from home, and are looking for an additional source of income.

Therefore, we can say that this work suits mainly three categories of people: Students, Housewives, and Multitaskers.

Top 9 ways to get paid while reading books

Who doesn’t love reading books? Unfortunately, not everyone has the time to read as much as they’d like. But what if I told you that you could earn money while reading books in multiple ways?

Here are nine exciting ways through which you can earn money directly by applying the learning from the books you read:

1. Start a book blog:

This is the indirect way to make money online by reading books. A book lover can earn by making a book blog website where you will get paid by publishing a summarised version of the author’s book or by posting review blogs for different authors’ books.

2. Transcribe audiobooks:

This is a very new and innovative money-making tool for book readers. You can make lots of money by transcribing audiobooks for audiences on different platforms.

3. Proofread books:

Proofreading is a new concept in the Indian market with excellent earning potential for book readers. A proofreader checks a book’s text to ensure it is free from errors and submits it for final submission.

4. Work as a book editor or manuscript editor:

A manuscript editor is in high demand in the world of publishing books. As the name suggests, the manuscript editor’s role is to read, evaluate, and correct spelling, punctuation, and grammatical and syntax errors.

5. Review books for publishers or authors:

Several websites will pay you to write reviews for books. Thus, you will read the author’s published book and post an honest review on online websites or your blog.

6. Enter into book reading contests and win cash prizes:

This is the most interesting money-making idea for passionate book readers, where they can earn extra cash by winning online or offline book reading contests.

7. Be a beta reader for authors and give them feedback on their work:

Every author circulates privately to beta readers before launching their book in the market to get reviews so that they can incorporate the changes if required.

The role of the beta readers is to read the books and share the review with the author in consideration of money.

Therefore, if you are searching for an answer that can pay you to read and review books, this can be a wonderful earning opportunity for you as a book reader.

8. Start a book club and charge membership fees:

You can also start your book reading club, where you can earn money from membership fees from members who also love reading books.

This can be a good opportunity for any book reader, as there are not many book clubs in your nearby area.

9. Start book reading tutorial services:

A good book reader is not someone who only gains knowledge by self-reading books but who shares his knowledge with community members. Therefore, as a good book reader, you can start tutoring students in the reading and literature of their courses and earn a good amount of money.

Websites where you can earn through reading books online

If you’re looking for a way to make some extra money, there are quite a few websites where you can earn money by reading books online in different ways.

This can be a great way to earn some extra cash while also doing something you enjoy.

Here is the list of websites where you can get paid online for reading and reviewing books online


Kirkus is an online book review website where a book reader can explore opportunities to earn money in three different ways.

First, you can write a book review for Kirkus and get paid for it.

Second, you can submit your book to Kirkus for review, and if they decide to review it, you’ll be paid a small fee.

Finally, if you have a book reviewed by Kirkus and it receives a positive review, you can earn a royalty payment.
How to apply at Kirkus Review
To apply, please send your CV to [email protected], and their team will contact you soon.


This website is another excellent platform for book readers where you can get paid to review books online.

You can earn $5-$60 per review by giving an honest and quick review of the books they have given you free of cost.

Some other ways to earn money from the website are:

  • To participate in the forums and discussion groups.
  • To promote on your site (if you have a blog or website.

How to apply at

You have to visit and apply using your email ID.

After applying, you have to wait for the instructions sent by their team in an email revert.

3. Booklist

Booklist is also one of the platforms where you can earn money by reviewing books online. It is a magazine published by the American Library Association where book reviews are published to help libraries know which books to purchase, and readers know which books to read.

Booklist’s reviewers submit their book reviews, and once they are published in a magazine or on online web pages, they earn $15 per review.

An average reviewer submits two to three reviews per month, so you can earn about $30-$45 in extra side income.

How to apply at Booklist
Apply to become a reviewer at Booklit.

Further, you can also mail to Booklist managing editor Maggie Reagan at [email protected].

4. ACX (Audiobooks)

ACX is an online marketplace where authors and publishers want to connect with narrators, freelancers, engineers, and recording studios to produce audiobooks.

It is one of the audiobook platforms where you can earn online money by reading books and producing audiobooks.

Therefore, if you have the skill of reading books aloud, then this can be a good earning opportunity for you to work as a freelancer with ACX.

You can earn with ACX in the following manner:

  1. Earn through per finished hour rate model: You can earn $125 – $250 per hour on every audiobook.
  2. Earn through the royalty model: You can earn a royalty fee of up to 50% on the completion and publication of audiobooks on leading platforms like Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.

How to apply at ACX
To apply for ACX narrator, you can use this link:

How much money could be made through reading books?

How much money you can earn by reading books online depends on several factors for the eligible persons.

Those factors are necessary to conclude the most asked question- can I get paid for reading books online?

  • Factor 1 – How much time do you have to devote to reading?
  • Factor 2 – What is your current job?
  • Factor 3 – What books would you be reading?

Whether you are a student, a multitasker, or a housewife, you probably don’t have much time to devote to reading.

However, if you can read one book per week, that becomes 52 books per year, and you can earn an average of $15 per book.

Therefore, you can earn a lot by reading books for a year. Earning potential can change according to time management and the person’s ability to invest time in reading more books.

In a nutshell, you can increase your earnings by spending more time and following different methods, as discussed above, and earn between $1000 and $5000 yearly.

While there is no easy answer to how much money could be made, readers can undoubtedly increase their earnings by reading more and faster.

Final Thoughts

There are many ways to make money online, and reading books can be one of the best ways to earn extra income with very little effort if you love to read.

So, the potential for earning money through reading books online is high for people who love reading books anyway.

However, you must remember this is for those who want extra income through a side hustle, not those who want to make a living or a career. Some successful people could build their careers around that, but it is rare.

The potential to make money by reading books is highly dependent on several factors, such as the reader’s ability to read quickly and the number of hours spent reading.

But the best thing is that, apart from earnings, consistent book reading upskills you, which will, in the long term, help you succeed in any field.

So, get ready to read books now and earn some extra cash.

Best of luck.

Disclaimer: The above article is for educational purposes only and we don’t guarantee that the above methods will work for everybody as it is based on my personal experience. So, please do your own due diligence and risk evaluations before working. Further, the potential earning may vary person to person. Some links on this page may contain affiliate links and we may receive a commission if you click and purchase from the links. For more detail, please read our disclaimer.
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